Why Liturgy? A Suggested Resource for Princeton Avenue Church

December 23, 2024 8:00 AM
Why Liturgy? A Suggested Resource for Princeton Avenue Church

So many new things...

There's been a lot of new in the last few weeks as we've hit our stride as a new church. One of those things has been our order of service, or our Sunday morning liturgy. This also includes new elements that many of us may be uncomfortable or unfamiliar with such as catechisms and creeds.

To help with our thinking about this topic, I'd recommend listening to this podcast episode by Credo, hosted by Matthew Barrett. Dr. Barrett is a growing influence in my (Aaron's) own theological journey, and he interviews Dr. Jonathan Gibson. Dr. Gibson has been a huge influence on my personal devotional life and understanding of the atonement over the years. I think you will be blessed by this episode in preparation for next Sunday's sermon, which will be "Of Creeds and Catechisms." Stay tuned!