Join us for The Lord's Day.

We welcome you any Sunday.

Join us this Lord's Day.

Sunday School


While our worship service is full of godly instruction, we also offer a 45-minute class every Sunday to address aspects of the spirituality, church history, and theology. These classes are held downstairs in our fellowship hall. Membership classes are also offered during this time.

Worship Service


We aim to be faithful witnesses to our neighborhood of the Gospel of Jesus Christ while growing our members in the same. We come together on Sunday as Christ's body to worship God in song, prayer, teaching, baptism, and the Lord's Supper.

Evening Prayer

6:00 pm

Every Sunday evening, we gather for an hour of corporate prayer. This meeting is held in the sanctuary. Topic and structure vary week to week. A key aspect of learning is seeing something modeled—so please, bring your kids!

Member Ministries & Discipleship

Our members engage in many life-on-life endeavors throughout the week. Pursue membership to learn more! Email for more information.

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